Thursday, December 13, 2007

Kota Bandung Dari Buku, Makanan, Sampai "Fashion"

SELAMAT datang ke Kota Bandung. Kawan, tidak rugi datang ke kota ini, karena segala kebutuhan dari mulai buku, makanan, dan fashion tumpah ruah di kota ini. Karena itu, Kota Bandung punya banyak citra, mulai dari sebagai kota pendidikan, kuliner, sampai pusat mode. Citra Bandung sebagai kota

The Legend of Ciater

Ciater village is situated….Originally it was a fertile forest area, therefore it was ideal to become a plantation area. Considering such conditions, the Dutch planned the critical of rubber and tea plantations.
To clear the forest was not a simple

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Kampung Naga

Kampung Naga merupakan suatu perkampungan yang dihuni oleh sekelompok masyarakat yang sangat kuat dalam memegang adat istiadat peninggalan Ieluhumya. Hal ini akan terlihat jelas perbedaannya bila dibandingkan dengan masyarakat lain di luar Kampung Naga. Masyarakat Kampung Naga hidup pada suatu tatanan yang dikondisikan dalam suasana kesahajaan dan lingkungan kearifan tradisional yang lekat.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Menengok ”Urban Tourism” di Singapura

SINGAPURA mungkin merupakan salah satu contoh sukses tourist city di Asia Tenggara. Negara pulau yang mewarisi banyak bangunan dan kawasan historis ini, kini menjadi tujuan wisata internasional. Padahal, dalam dekade 1970-an, bangunan-bangunan tersebut hampir musnah tergusur bangunan-bangunan modern akibat economic boom yang melanda negara itu. THE Supreme Court, terletak di St. Andrew’s Road dan dibangun tahun 1939, masih berdiri megah dengan pilar-pilar bergaya Doric dan Corinthian. Tidak jauh dari situ, Raffles Hotel, dibangun tahun 1887, terlihat anggun dalam warna putihnya, sangat khas bangunan masa kolonial Inggris.

Savoy Homan Hotel

Hotel Savoy Homann, Jalan Asia Afrika 112. Little more than a bamboo hut when the German family named Homann opened their hotel on the Post Road in the 1870s, the hotel was rebuilt after the advent of the railroad to Bandung in 1884. The hotel was rebuilt in a romantic style, completed with exposed timber and intimate verandahs. In 1936, the owner, Van Es., commissioned A.F. Aalbers to redesign the hotel in a style much like the architect’s popular work, the DENIS Bank on Jalan Braga, completed in 1935. Aalbers used an extreme horizontal line to guide the design and a ribbon of balconies line the front of the hotel. A tall tower was placed to break this horizontal plane and porthole windows complete the look that seems almost nautical in effect. It was visited by the likes of Hollywood stars such as Charlie Chaplin, who visited three times, the last time with the actress Paulette Goddard. The hotel was reopened in 1939, but parts of the complex date to the 1920s.

Central Police Station (Polwiltabes)

Central Police Station, Jalan Merdeka 18, 16. Opened at the Kweekschool, a teacher’s training school, it is of the earliest buildings in Bandung. Such illustrious graduates include Abdulharis Nasution and Otto Iskandardinata. The three front buildings are original but many new buildings have been made behind them. The complex serves as the central police station for Bandung and the building has been under threat of demolition for the past several years.

Villa Isola

Villa Isola, Jalan Setia Budhi 229.
Constructed in 1933 as a private home for an Italian named D.W Baretty, the building was designed by CP Wolff-Schoemaker. Beretty was the owner of an international news agency that later became
Indonesia’s Antara News Agency. Isola refers to the isolation of the residence when it was built on the dirt road going north to Lembang and Tangkuban Perahu. It was beautifully designed and gorgeously landscape and remains the foremost Art Deco monument I Indonesia. It is currently used as the Rector’s Office for the state teachers college, UPI.